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what are the controls because I know how to move around but I can’t seem to zoom in and out

scroll wheel, might add buttons for it in alpha 3 as i realize now everyone doesn’t have a scroll wheel

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Thank you. By the way, I would like to report a bug where sometime just doesn’t pass, even if it isn’t paused, like it just stays on the same day and nothing happens.

based on previous interaction i do quickly need to ask this before i look into this, do you know that the game is semi turn based, so you need to press space to go to the next turn (unless you’re in alpha 3 pre release where i accidentally left in a unfinished auto play feature)

Ohh ok

Thank You

Do you ever plan releasing this on iOS? Like a download option on this website for it.

Phones would not be able to handle it

is there tutorial to make a game like EarthRoyale Or EuropeRoyale? just wondering because i really wanna make a game like this

not from what i know, it's really  fun type of game to make but a lot of manual and annoying work

is there any tips on how to get started since idk how to use unity

I'd recommend to not start of making a game like earthroyale as it is a bit complicated for someone really new to developing games.
i went to school for game design so i don't know of too many ways to help someone learn via the internet but i do recommending starting of with something simple such as a 2D platformer, and when trying to figure out how to code stuff try to search on google for basic small components of what you wanna make and try to puzzle it together instead of looking up big things as that will make coding easier for you in the long run

good game but i would suggest less lag and more events


still super early in development so both lf those things are being worked one ^^

another question, why isnt east guyana a country in this game?

i don't know of any independent east guyanan country and can't find anything when doing quick google searches, if there is actually some form of independence movement with control please do inform me of it with some form of source, since i really can't find anything

i meant french guiana

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Question, with this being in development, are updates for the original EarthRoyale cancelled?

yes, i might do some bug fixes later on but the original earthroyales core started becoming to old and too badly made as it was made when i still went to school for game development, so event the smallest changes or bug fixes ended up requiring me to rewrite like 60% of the games code

I have a suggestion, maybe add some other maps such as 1939, 1914, etc...

i am currently considering adding 1600s, 1700s, 1800s and 1900s maps, might add a 1950s too to the list, but it will have to wait until I'm done with the subdivisions, city and ethnicity/culture maps for the main modern map

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How long may that take? I'll be happy if you can finish before alpha 4, also, maybe make an option to see military sizes and make military strength more realistic? cause bahrain keeps taking over india

i'm developing the game alone so it might take longer than that

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k, but 1 more suggestion, ability to see military strength/size and more realistic military strength hello please answer

there is no military strength in the game, atm nothing effect what countries do what, but it's planned to have the score linked to it when i got more stuff in the game to effect score such as cities

I love this game but I have some Suggestions! Most of the time it feels like the attacker wins or at least gains land, Add a way for the player to maybe like become owner of a nation? Add Alliances, When a country gets invaded by another every other neighbor attacks the defender, I think this should be improved to like If the country is in an alliance they could both attack the country. I dont know your roadmap but I hope that some of these gets added!

hi thanks for enjoying the game <3 somethings like not always the attacking winning is being worked on and alliances are not planned but something that's being considered, currently working on more foundational things like not always attacker winning, colonizing unclaimed land, planet colonization, subdivisions and cities

This game was made by just you? If so that's impressive! I'll buy it when I have the money. It looks really beautiful!

thanks and yes, started work on it i think in one of the first 3 months this year (unsure which) so it hasn't sadly gotten super far in development, but it has so much potential and really is beautiful

hey i cant open it and I'm on Mac what do you recommend?

Since I'm not a big company or anything the game is seen as coming from a "un trusted source" so you need to go into security settings and allow the game to be opened

how is it the third version?

there is 3 games in the "series / franchise / whatever you wanna call it" 1st game is EuropeRoyale, 2nd is EarthRoyale, 3rd is EarthRoyale 3

what i need to do after i downloaded it? i can't open it.

are you on windows or mac?

Are old versions for free i would like to trzy before buying

all old versions is free while the newest is paid

Is it possible for you to make a linux version of the game? If not, it's no big deal because I can just set it up to work with Proton


can attempt making one for alpha 3, but alpha 3 won’t release until the end of this month and won’t be free untill the end of next month


will i get a steam key? if i buy or can you put on steam also drew played


the game won’t be on steam untill it’s outside of alpha, so around early next year.

if you buy the 1 month early updates version you will get a key once it is released on steam