Alpha 4

  • New temporary subdivision map
  • Pixel data is now saved to subdivisions within countries to make more but smaller lists instead of less bigger lists
  • compacted the "pixel convertion" code
  • added a "go to scenario folder" button
  • New map updating setting in experimental menu to reduce lag
  • yearly map updating option added
  • monthly map updating option added
  • weekly map updating option added
  • daily map updating option added
  • removed internal data map updates (reduce lag, was used before to find bugs)
  • centralized map udpates to only happen in one spot of the code
  • Map load in visual update now only happens once every 10 rows
  • dividing events alt text and alt advantage odds are no longer linked
  • Added new sprite for X buttons
  • Added new sprite for Hide UI button
  • Added  new sprite for Auto play button
  • Added new sprite for leaderboard button
  • Added new sprite for Notification button
  • Added new sprite for Paus button
  • Added new sprite for speed buttons
  • New "days without change" value added to event border pixels
  • pixels along the border with no change for long time is now prioritized
  • New 3D object for the globe with less weird UV map on the poles
  • Cut off the added ocean at the north that was used to hide weird UI map issues
  • Globe and sun in main menu now rotates again
  • Flat map camera can now zoom in further
  • Quit button in main menu
  • Quit button in game now takes you to main menu
  • Scenarios / Custom map Support
  • New map selection menu
  • Removed buttons for country type and size and replaced with each map being its own thing
  • New experimental menu
  • New Language menu
  • New links menu
  • Discord button
  • Scenario button
  • button for fun/joke language not added yet
  • 20 Tags for easier map selection
  • Changed camera view and movement for flat map
  • Renamed the continents menu to "options" within the map selection menu
  • Moved map shape option to the map options menu
  • Added UWU language
  • Changed Peace treaties to remove biger exclaves
  • Changed peace treaties to not remove exclaves if it's bigger than 1 4th of the country
  • Changed peace treaties to not remove coastal exclaves
  • original sea level now auto sets when map loads in
  • Changed naval invasion frequency to work with the subdivision system
  • Divided the base game maps into 12 maps
  1. Big Defacto
  2. Big UN
  3. Big Defacto + Micro
  4. Big UN + Micro
  5. Medium Defacto
  6. Medium UN
  7. Medium Defacto + Micro
  8. Medium UN + Micro
  9. Small Defacto
  10. Small UN
  11. Small Defact + Micro
  12. Small UN + Micro


Alpha 4 178 MB
13 days ago
Alpha 4 178 MB
13 days ago

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