Alpha 6 plans

This is only the general ideas / direction Alpha 6 development will go to

When written these plans was for alpha 5 but i've decided to completly rework the pixel convertion code again and the drain and flood events code and the end of war code to simplify it and move most stuff into the pixel convertion code instead of having the same stuff being done in 20 different places but in different ways with different outcomes lag wise and bug wise

therefore this might come in alpha 5 or be delayed to alpha 6

Support for country specific events odds

Flood protection event

country specific event odds for drain and flood and flood protection depending on coast amount and averege height of a countries land

Union event

Moving more internal data to use subdivisions instead of pixels

Reworking naval invasions to not constantly attempt naval invasions in the same spots where it's imposible and therefore do the max ammount of target searching

Wilderness claiming (possibly also moon wilderness claiming but unlikely in alpha 5)

continuing to work on real world subdivision map

when referendum wars get turned into a all v 1 war it no longer always targets the victim and instead will have the world target the losing country


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